Our Team

Kylie Levande



Hi, I’m Kylie, the proud owner of this beautiful business. I fell in love with Modern Mud almost 16 years ago when I was introduced to the product range by the creator herself, Kylie Wheatley. Kylie became my mentor on all things natural beauty and skincare, and my closest friend. Using Modern Mud transformed my skin and the way I thought about myself. So when Kylie decided to take on a new journey, I realised I believed in Modern Mud so much that I couldn’t let the business go to anyone else. I bring the same 100% commitment to these lovely products, and I know Kylie will always be on the sidelines cheering me on and continuing to share her expertise and knowledge. “Go Team Kylie!"

Britt Hart

Independant Consultant


I fell in love with the Skeater Beater, an all natural skin and DEET free insect body spray,  after my sister gave me some for a holiday to Darwin. That led to me discovering Modern Mud’s skincare and beauty lines. I was extra excited to find a nut free/chemical free ointment to treat cuts, scrapes etc. and then I decided that I would use all of Modern Mud’s products in my daily life! I took a further step and became a distributor so I could share my discoveries. I love Modern Mud’s  philosophy and the way this company is reducing our footprint on our precious planet by using recycled packaging and chemical free products.

Kristen Dargusch

Independant Consultant


Modern Mud has been a part of my life (and daily routine) for almost a decade. I’m a strong believer in leading a healthy life and using natural products that benefit my skin and body. Modern Mud ticks all the boxes for me – products that give a great result without damaging the earth, our skin, and our bodies. I love sharing these amazing products with everyone.

Margaret Lyons

Independant Consultant


My name is Margaret Lyons. I have been with Modern Mud from the very beginning as a customer and distributor for these beautiful products. I can help anyone with our products Australia-wide, with a client base stretching from Melbourne to the Northern Territory. I can also help out more locally in the Lockyer Valley, Ipswich, and Darling Downs areas.

I am passionate about health and living a low tox life. I am a mum of two children, my husband is a FIFO worker and for the last 10 years my day job has been in the legal industry.  Modern Mud is my escape, I love sharing our products and seeing the amazing results they bring.

Natural Alternative

Independant Consultant


Natural Alternative Healthy Living Store is a locally owned independent health food store situated at Gatton in the heart of the Lockyer Valley. You can drop in and check out Modern Mud in person, in our store. We only stock hand-picked, reputable brands and we’ve been providing quality natural products and knowledge to the Lockyer Valley community since 1983.


Come and visit us at…

Gatton Square
Spencer Street
Gatton QLD 4343

Fiona Taggart

Independant Consultant


My name is Fiona Taggart, owner of r|r hair designs. I am all about making you look good and feel good and am really excited to expand my business with Modern Mud. I am loving using the products and think you will too!


Call me to make a time to come and check out the beautiful range of products.


6 Susie Court,
Highfields QLD 4352





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